Industerro Chemicals


Many of POCO's glass handling solutions feature patented designs for a combination of graphite inserts and metal holders and supports.

Industry glass handling
The GLASSMATE family of materials and products are especially engineered to meet the needs of the glass container industry. Many of POCO's glass handling solutions feature patented designs for a combination of graphite inserts and metal holders and supports. These patented designs were developed to offer quick mounting, quick release for fast changes and unique features to improve perfor- mance throughout the glass line. GLASSMATE parts are designed to fit existing equipment. Many parts are repairable for increased life of the part.


All GLASSMATE hot glass-handling mate- rials have the heat resistance, strength, durability and non-absorption character- istics to perform under the most rigorous conditions without damaging the glass- ware. POCO's hot glass handling materials offer excellent performance combined with reduced mechanical damage for increased pack rates.


Product info sheets .pdf

Process lubricants & coatings:
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Glass coatings:
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Coating Equipment:
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Industry glass handling:
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Industerro Chemicals B.V. - Hoge Naarderweg 46 - 1217 AG Hilversum